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Magnolia White Caviar

Magnolia laevifolia x figo White Caviar

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The Michelia 'White Caviar' is an exotic-looking shrub with shiny and persistent leaves. It produces many creamy white flowers with pink stamens in late spring and early summer, fragrant. Vigorous but a bit sensitive to cold, it will prefer rather mild climates, and a location in partial shade or light sun, in fresh and acidic soil. It can also find its place on your terrace, to create an exotic and original setting.
Flor de
4 cm
Altura en la madurez
3 m
Anchura en la madurez
2 m
Sol, Semisombra, Sombra
Hasta -9.5°C
Humedad del suelo
suelo fresco

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Mejor periodo de plantación Marzo hasta Abril, Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Marzo hasta Mayo, Septiembre hasta Octubre
Periodo de floración Mayo hasta Agosto


The Magnolia 'White Caviar' (formerly known as Michelia) is an exotic-looking shrub with shiny, evergreen leaves. It produces many creamy white flowers with pink stamens in late spring and early summer, which are fragrant. Vigorous but a bit sensitive to cold, it will prefer rather mild oceanic climates, and a location in partial shade or light sun, in cool and acidic soil. It can also find its place on your terrace, to create an exotic and original decoration.

The Michelia 'White Caviar' belongs to the Michelia genus, which botanists have now reclassified under Magnolia. Therefore, you may find this plant under both names, Magnolia or Michelia 'White Caviar'. All belong to the very ancient Magnoliaceae family, which includes fossil plants dating back 90 million years.

This beautiful variety is a hybrid between Michelia / Magnolia figo and M. laevifolia, two shrubs native to the high-altitude forests of China. With a very exotic appearance, it has tough, glossy foliage, evergreen, dark green with a slightly lighter underside. Between May and July, the shrub produces delicate reddish-brown floral buds, which eventually open into a cream-white flower about 4 to 6 cm in diameter, with pink stamens. These flowers resemble a miniature Magnolia grandiflora flower. As with many Michelias, the blooming is highly fragrant and reminiscent of the scent of ripe fruits like banana. The shrub can reach a height of around 3 m tall by 2 m wide, with a fairly dense habit.

While robust and fairly vigorous, the Michelia 'White Caviar' has moderate hardiness: it's best not to expose it to temperatures regularly below -10°C. Therefore, reserve a location in bright shade, well sheltered from east and north winds that could easily damage its beautiful foliage and compromise its flowering. Strong sun can also scorch its leaves. It appreciates cool, rich soil that doesn't dry out in summer, and is rather acidic. In limestone soil, the plant grows poorly and its leaves turn yellow.

Its uniqueness allows it to be used as a standalone specimen, highlighted in an exotic setting alongside companions like Fatsia polycarpa, Fuchsia regia or Schefflera taiwaniana, and perennials like Boehmeria biloba, Hosta 'Halcyon', as well as with ferns like Athyrium otophorum var. okanum or Coniogramme emeiensis. Its dense habit also allows it to be used in a hedge, as well as in a large pot. Its growth will then be more restricted, and care should be taken to ensure the substrate doesn't dry out.

Magnolia White Caviar en imágenes...

Magnolia White Caviar (Floración) Floración


Altura en la madurez 3 m
Anchura en la madurez 2 m
Porte extendido
Crecimiento lento


Color de la flor blanco
Periodo de floración Mayo hasta Agosto
Inflorescencia Solitaria
Flor de 4 cm
Fragancia Muy perfumado, Plátano maduro


Persistencia del follaje Perenne
Color del follaje verde oscuro





laevifolia x figo


White Caviar



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Número de producto150731

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Plantación y cuidados

The Michelia White Caviar prefers humus-rich, acidic, organic-rich, moist to dry soils, without stagnant moisture. It appreciates semi-shaded exposures, tolerates shade, and dreads scorching exposures.

It can be grown in open ground in regions with a mild climate (oceanic regions, Brittany coast, Cotentin, Landes coast, etc...), as its hardiness can be lacking beyond -10°C even if planted in a sheltered location.

This shrub does not tolerate transplantation well once it is established, so choose its location carefully. Its appearance and growth will be very different depending on whether it is planted in open ground or in a container, and whether it grows in shade or in a sunny exposure.

When it grows in shade, its form is more open and flexible, its foliage darker. If, on the contrary, it is exposed to the sun, it will show a more compact form, denser foliage, smaller and lighter green leaves. When grown in a large container, its growth is limited.

Watering should be regular in summer and greatly reduced in winter: in a cold greenhouse or a conservatory, water (without too much lime) should be given sparingly, only when the substrate is dry to 1 cm on the surface. The banana shrub can be easily pruned after flowering. In late winter, before the vegetation resumes, remove dead wood and tangled branches to keep only the vigorous branches and maintain a beautiful form.

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Marzo hasta Abril, Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Marzo hasta Mayo, Septiembre hasta Octubre

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera, Borde de sotobosque
Tipo de utilización Macizo, Jardinera, Terraza
Rusticidad Hasta -9.5°C (zona USDA 8b) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Densidad de plantación 1 por m2
Exposición Sol, Semisombra, Sombra
pH del suelo Tierra de Brezo (Ácido), Neutro
Tipo de suelo arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero)
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco, drenante, fértil, húmedo


Poda La poda no es necesaria
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco
Resistencia a las enfermedades Muy buena
Hibernación Necesita protección

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