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Wild Clematis

72 resultados

72  resultados


Our range of wild clematis including their close varieties. Among them, the Alpine clematis, the Atragène des Alpes, which seduces with its delicate blue bell-shaped flowers. The Clematis tangutica, with their small lanterns of gold or orange-yellow, are like strings of light. The viticella clematis, a champion of resistance, offers an abundance of purplish flowers all summer long. The texensis clematis, with their tulip-shaped flowers, are interesting for their late flowering. Let's not forget the vitalba clematis that weaves its romantic veil of white flowers on the hedges of our countryside. And its southern cousin, the flammula clematis, which crowns the dry stone walls with small very fragrant white stars in the height of summer. Also discover the armandii clematis, an early flowering Chinese vine with persistent foliage, the cirrhosa clematis that blooms in winter. But also rare plants for collectors like the fusca clematis, an Asian species that produces fleshy and hairy bell-shaped flowers in summer, ranging from purple-brown to violet-brown. Find them and many more in these pages.

Originating from all regions of the world, wild clematis sometimes have specific requirements. But when planted in the right place and under a suitable climate, these plants show extreme resistance.

For further information, check out our complete guide "Clematis: Planting, pruning, and maintenance"

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