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Tulipán doble de flor tardía Ice cream Banana

Tulipa Ice cream Banana
Tulipán doble de flor tardía

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This tulip offers very different double flowers. They are yellow, but have petals of a reddish-pinkish purple at the base, somewhat reminiscent of a banana ice cream served in a bowl. The stem is short and sturdy. Flowering in May.
Flor de
10 cm
Altura en la madurez
35 cm
Anchura en la madurez
10 cm
Sol, Semisombra
Hasta -18°C
Humedad del suelo
suelo fresco

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Mejor periodo de plantación Septiembre y sobre Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero, Septiembre y sobre Diciembre
Periodo de floración Mayo


The Late Double Tulip 'Ice Cream Banana' is as attractive as the most delicious ice cream! This variety offers truly original flowers, composed of a central frill of tightly packed yellow petals, surrounded by petals of a purple-red mix with green. The stem is short and sturdy, making it an interesting subject in the garden, in pots, and in planters. This tulip naturally pairs well with the variety 'Ice Cream'.

The Tulip 'Ice Cream Banana' belongs to the Liliaceae family. Of horticultural origin, introduced to the Netherlands in 2020, it is currently classified in the group of "Late Double Tulips", characterized by very double and crumpled flowers, peony-shaped. 'Ice Cream Banana' is not very tall (35-40 cm) and its flower is of a good size, double and curiously arranged. As it forms, the flower appears to be dark pink, but suddenly a tall corolla filled with yellow petals appears in its center. Flowering takes place in mid-May, at the end of the tulip season. The flowers last a long time in a vase or in the garden. The foliage dries up some time after flowering, while the bulb goes into a resting period.

With varied, soft or bright colours, opulent and naive, extravagant or whimsical flowers, the late double tulips bring a touch of fancy to gardens and sunny terraces. 'Ice Cream Banana' will delight fans of the tulip 'Exquisit', both seeming to come from another world. To showcase them, plant them amidst small, light flowers like chamomile or the white forget-me-not 'Snowsylva'. 'Ice Cream Banana' will also look beautiful on a carpet of alchemilles.

Don't forget to consider the height and flowering period when designing your flower beds, as these parameters vary significantly from one cultivar to another. It's wise to plant a few more bulbs for bouquets, as they last a long time in a vase.

Regarding botanical species: Wild tulips are found from Western Europe to China and Japan through Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia. Their distribution area also includes North Africa and the Indian subcontinent. The diversity centre of the Tulipa genus is located in the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountains as well as in the steppes of Kazakhstan.

In France, there are various wild species, many of which are threatened. These are either large weed tulips from cultivated fields, the most famous being the Agen tulip (Tulipa agenensis), or small tulips found in wooded areas or among rocks in the mountains. One of the most common is the wild tulip (Tulipa sylvestris), which used to often grow sheltered by vines. Its subspecies australis is known as the southern tulip.


Altura en la madurez 35 cm
Anchura en la madurez 10 cm
Crecimiento normal


Color de la flor bicolor
Periodo de floración Mayo
Inflorescencia Solitaria
Flor de 10 cm
Flores para ramos Flores para ramos


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde medio





Ice cream Banana



Otros nombres comunes

Tulipán doble de flor tardía

Sinónimos botánicos

Tulipa Ice cream Banana



Número de producto 22546

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Plantación y cuidados

Plant the 'Ice Cream Banana' tulip bulbs in autumn, from September to December, at a depth of 15 cm, spacing them 10 cm apart. Planting should be done in ordinary soil, slightly acidic, neutral, or slightly chalky, loose, well-worked, and well-draining. Never add poorly decomposed manure or compost to the planting soil, as this could cause the bulbs to rot. The tulip will thrive in fresh to moderately dry soil in summer. Place it in a good, sunny or semi-shaded spot. Once the flowering is over, it is best to remove the fruits to avoid exhausting the plant.

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¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Septiembre y sobre Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero, Septiembre y sobre Diciembre
Profundidad de plantación 15 cm

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera, Rocalla, Borde de sotobosque
Tipo de utilización Macizo, Borde de macizo, Jardinera
Rusticidad Hasta -18°C (zona USDA 7a) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Densidad de plantación 50 por m2
Exposición Sol, Semisombra
pH del suelo Todos
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco,


Consejos de poda ```html Once the blooming is finished, it is best to remove the fruits in order not to exhaust the plant. Remove the foliage once it is dry. ```
Poda Poda recomendada 1 vez al año
Periodo de poda Junio y sobre Julio
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco
Resistencia a las enfermedades Buena
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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