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Lirio Longwood

Lilium (x) longiflorum Longwood
Lirio, Lirio híbrido

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A hybrid lily of beautiful stature, which produces large 15 cm flowers, very lightly scented, sprinkled with mahogany on a burnt orange background. It is a variety with long stems, ideal for cut flowers. It blooms towards the end of June. Its cold resistance is evaluated at -15°C.
Flor de
15 cm
Altura en la madurez
1 m
Anchura en la madurez
45 cm
Hasta -15°C
Humedad del suelo
suelo fresco

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Mejor periodo de plantación Abril hasta Mayo, Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Febrero hasta Mayo, Octubre hasta Noviembre
Periodo de floración Junio hasta Julio


The Lilium longiflorum 'Longwood' is a hybrid variety of Asian lily and Lilium longiflorum characterised by its vigour and magnificent colour of orange sprayed with mahogany red. The plant blooms in late June on a long, sturdy stem that will bear several large flowers, facing upwards. This variety appears to be less sensitive to cold than other hybrids in its group. It is an excellent cut flower, more long-lasting than classic Asian lilies, and its colour does not fade in the sun.

The 'Longwood' Lily is a horticultural creation. It is a bulbous plant with deciduous vegetation belonging to the lily family. It is part of a group of hybrids derived from Asian species such as Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum, both somewhat frost-sensitive. These prized varieties in floristry are known to be somewhat susceptible to viruses and severe frosts. At full bloom, 'Longwood' will reach between 80 and 1.10 m in height, and its vegetation will spread over time, with bulbs producing numerous bulbils through vegetative propagation. Each floral stem bears 5 to 7 orange flowers measuring approximately 15 cm in diameter, facing towards the sky. They display a "sprayed" pattern, as if the throat of the flower, in burnt orange, had been sprinkled with mahogany. At the centre of each flower are yellow stamens with mahogany anthers. The long, glossy leaves, dark green in colour, are narrow and lanceolate, with parallel veins running through them. The vegetation dries up in autumn, while the bulb enters a resting phase. The bulbs are reserve organs with fleshy, overlapping scales.

Longiflorum hybrid lilies like 'Longwood' bloom after 12 or 13 weeks of cultivation, and they can be "forced" by planting them early in the season in a veranda or a warm room. The soil they are planted in should remain moist throughout the growth and flowering period. In the garden, you can pair 'Longwood' with non-invasive perennial plants (lupins, delphiniums) or undemanding small shrubs like Caryopteris 'Sterling Silver', bush cinquefoils in assorted colours, and even with small ground cover roses. Winter protection in the form of a thick mulch is not unnecessary in very cold regions. Lilies appreciate having their feet in the shade, and the latter will help prevent the stems from bending in the wind. The 'Longwood' lily will look stunning in borders, in containers, and of course in a bouquet.

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Altura en la madurez 1 m
Anchura en la madurez 45 cm
Crecimiento normal


Color de la flor naranja
Periodo de floración Junio hasta Julio
Inflorescencia Racimo
Flor de 15 cm
Fragancia Ligeramente perfumado, Aroma muy suave
Plantas melíferas Atrae a los polinizadores
Flores para ramos Flores para ramos


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde oscuro





(x) longiflorum





Otros nombres comunes

Lirio, Lirio híbrido



Número de producto225310

Lilium - Lirios de la A a la Z: Otras variedades

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Plantación y cuidados

The Lilium longiflorum 'Longwood' prefers cool and humus-rich soils, it does not appreciate very dry, poor, or poorly drained and very clayey soils. It is a variety that can withstand brief frosts of around -15°C. You will plant it in the sun, in spring or early autumn, burying the bulbs 15 cm deep (about two to three times the size of the bulb) in a pocket of soil mixed with leaf compost. Surround them with a sand pocket that will prevent rotting and attacks by slugs, while allowing them to grow more easily. Mark the planting location, as the vegetation only starts in April.

Growing in a deep pot allows the plant to hibernate in an unheated, cool, but frost-free room. This method also allows for "forcing" the bulb, meaning advancing the start of vegetation and the flowering period. To do this, the pot will be stored in a very bright and slightly heated room before the beginning of spring.

When the stems reach 30 cm high, discreetly stake them. If red insects appear, treat them immediately, they are lily beetles whose larvae can devour all the leaves. The most effective method is to catch them by hand, be careful, they drop as soon as you touch them, so put a box underneath. After flowering, it is useful to cut the faded flowers halfway to keep the bed beautiful during the summer.

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Abril hasta Mayo, Octubre
Periodo de plantación razonable Febrero hasta Mayo, Octubre hasta Noviembre
Profundidad de plantación 15 cm

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera
Tipo de utilización Macizo, Jardinera, Invernadero
Rusticidad Hasta -15°C (zona USDA 7b) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Densidad de plantación 6 por m2
Exposición Sol
pH del suelo Neutro
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco, húmedo, arenoso, fértil, bien drenado


Consejos de poda Prune the faded floral stems after flowering.
Poda Poda recomendada 1 vez al año
Periodo de poda Julio hasta Agosto
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco
Resistencia a las enfermedades Media
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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