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Fraxinus excelsior Allgold - Ash, European Ash, Common Ash

Fraxinus excelsior Allgold
Ash, European Ash, Common Ash

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A variety of common ash that is very interesting for the golden yellow colour of its branches, contrasting strongly with the black buds, creating a beautiful winter scene. This lovely medium-sized tree forms a beautiful spherical crown, well balanced. It is adorned with light green compound leaves, with elegant patterns, which turn yellow in autumn, creating a focal point in the garden. Highly cold-resistant, it thrives in full sun, preferably in fertile and moist soil.
Altura en la madurez
10 m
Anchura en la madurez
7 m
Sol, Semisombra
Hasta -29°C
Humedad del suelo
suelo fresco, suelo húmedo

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Mejor periodo de plantación Febrero, Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Marzo, Octubre y sobre Diciembre


The Fraxinus excelsior ‘Allgold’ is an attractive variety of Frêne commun which immediately captivates with its magnificent golden yellow branches. This medium-sized tree forms a beautiful regular spherical crown giving it a well-balanced silhouette. Its compound leaves with an odd number of leaflets are light green during the growing season. In autumn, they turn beautiful shades of yellow and persist on the tree for quite some time before falling to the ground. Winter allows for an even better view of the original color of the branches, especially as the black buds create a superb contrast.

The Ash tree belongs to the Oleaceae family, which besides the Olive tree (Olea) that gave it its name, includes many ornamental plants, such as the Lilac (Syringa), Jasmine, or the splendid Snowbell tree, or Chionanthus virginicus. Ash trees, of which there are around sixty-five species often closely related, share their leaves (with rare exceptions) being paripinnate (compound with an odd number of leaflets due to the terminal leaflet), generally opposite or sometimes grouped in threes. Fraxinus excelsior is our common Ash tree, widespread from Europe to the Caucasus and as far north as Anatolia. Rapidly growing, reaching over 30 m in height, it is found in lowland forests, valleys, and near lakes and watercourses. Its compound leaves with 7 to 13 leaflets measure 20 to 40 cm in length and it produces a very discreet yellow-green flowering before leafing out.
The Fraxinus excelsior ‘Allgold’ is a variety more suited to our medium-sized gardens as its growth is less than that of the species. In ten years of cultivation, it will reach 4 to 6 m in height and at maturity, will not exceed 15 m in height. It forms a conical to spherical, regular and balanced crown giving it a beautiful presence. This beautiful tree is remarkable for the yellow color of its branches, particularly intense at the tips where the bark is young. In winter, when the wood is bare, its branching is particularly appreciated as it brings light in the heart of a season that generally lacks it. Additionally, the almost black buds create a superb contrast on the golden yellow bark.
The foliage appears quite late in spring as is often the case with Ash trees. The leaves are composed of 5 to 11 lanceolate leaflets with pointed tips, creating an attractive design. Light green in spring, they turn to a deep yellow in late summer and autumn, allowing for beautiful scenes when planted in groups. The leaves tend to stay on the tree for a long time, especially when autumn is sunny, increasing its ornamental value. The autumnal colors and those of the branches are more pronounced when planted in full sun. 'Allgold' hardly flowers and is sterile, therefore not forming samaras (fruit) unlike the 'Jaspidea' variety which looks quite similar.

The 'Allgold' common Ash tree is an easy-to-grow beautiful tree in all fertile and moist soils. Extremely hardy, it withstands windy conditions, is not very sensitive to de-icing salt, tolerates paving above its root zone, and is suitable for the urban atmosphere of our city gardens. Plant it preferably in groups, associating it with other woody plants with decorative bark to create a stunning winter landscape. The Prunus serrula, or Tibetan Cherry, with its splendid shiny mahogany red bark, will be a perfect companion, as well as its cousin the Prunus maackii 'Amber Beauty', which dresses in orange amber, with visually striking light lenticels. Another autumnal splendor, the Acer griseum, aptly named Cinnamon Maple due to its brown bark that peels with age. In autumn, it will allow you to create an epic scene when its foliage turns red against the yellow of your Ash tree.


Altura en la madurez 10 m
Anchura en la madurez 7 m
Porte esférico
Crecimiento normal


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde










Otros nombres comunes

Ash, European Ash, Common Ash



Número de producto 22050

Otras Fresno - Fraxinus

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  5. 4
    Desde 55,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

Plantación y cuidados

Plant your Fraxinus excelsior Argenteovariegata in autumn or spring, choose a sunny but not scorching location with deep soil, and consider the space it will eventually occupy. If necessary, create a drainage pit with stones if your soil is waterlogged. If your soil is poor, adding leaf compost will be beneficial. Maintain regular watering during the summer following planting and make sure to protect it from prolonged drought in the first year; mulching can help retain moisture at the base and space out watering. Keep in mind that this tree requires consistently moist soil, especially in depth. It is perfectly frost resistant. Pruning involves balancing the tree's structure every 3 years or so by aerating the canopy center.

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Febrero, Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Marzo, Octubre y sobre Diciembre

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera
Tipo de utilización Fondo de macizo, Aislado
Rusticidad Hasta -29°C (zona USDA 5) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Principiante
Exposición Sol, Semisombra
pH del suelo Todos
Tipo de suelo arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero), Arcillo-calizo (pesado y alcalino)
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco, suelo húmedo, profundo, fértil.


Consejos de poda The pruning is only useful if the tree becomes too large for the space allocated to it. It consists of balancing the tree's shape every 3 years or so by aerating the center of the canopy and restricting crown development. Avoid severe cuts and limit pruning to small diameter branches as much as possible. Remove dead wood and broken branches for safety; for ease, this operation can be done at the end of spring when the leaves have emerged. The ash tree can be pruned all year round except during periods of heavy frost, bud break, and leaf fall.
Poda Poda recomendada 1 vez al año
Periodo de poda Enero y sobre Febrero, Junio y sobre Julio, Diciembre
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco, suelo húmedo
Resistencia a las enfermedades Buena
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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