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Pollinator duo for septado pears in September

Pyrus communis Doyenné du Comice, Conférence

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Colección de 2 plantas

  • 1 x Pera Doyenné du Comice
  • 1 x Pera Conférence

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6 mes garantía en el desarrollo de esta planta

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A Duo of Peral trees in Raíces desnudas, trained in goblet style, composed of the varieties Doyenné du Comice and Conference. Planted close to each other, these fruit trees will produce more. The pear harvest extends from September to November. Plant your Peral trees preferably in autumn, in Tierra profunda, fertile and well-tilled soil.
Hasta -29°C
Tipo de suelo
arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero), Arcilloso (pesado)
Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Febrero, Octubre y sobre Diciembre
Periodo de floración Abril
Periodo de cosecha Septiembre y sobre Noviembre

Composición de esta colección (2 plantas)


This September Pear Pollinator Duo is composed of the varieties Doyenné du Comice and Conference which pollinate each other. Planted not far from each other in the garden, these two fruit trees will offer an abundant harvest starting in September. Plant your bare-root pear trees preferably in autumn, as soon as you receive them, in deep, fertile, and well-drained soil.

This duo consists of:

- x1 Doyenné du Comice Pear Tree: vigorous variety, slow to fruit, with average and sometimes irregular production, subject to alternation. Pollination by the Conference pear tree improves yield. The tree produces large, excellent-tasting pears. Its fruits, golden yellow with red blush in sunlight and speckled brown when ripe, reveal a pale, sweet and fragrant, melting and juicy flesh. Harvest takes place in September and October. The fruits store well in cool conditions until December, but their thin skin makes them sensitive to handling. Self-sterile, this pear tree is a good pollinator for other varieties.

- x1 Conference Pear Tree: very hardy variety, not frost-sensitive and resistant to scab, growing in all regions of France. The pears, elongated in a drop shape, reach maturity by late September. Their skin is light green, irregularly marbled with brown. The flesh, creamy white, is sweet, juicy, slightly firm, and granular near the core. Harvested two weeks before maturity, around early October, they will keep in a cool but frost-free and ventilated place until January.

Labelled separately

Although not frost-tender, the Pear Tree still appreciates sheltered and sunny locations, avoiding frosty and windy spots. It thrives in fresh and deep soils but dislikes overly draining and calcareous soils. In winter, provide it with a handful of wood ash, rich in potash, to improve flowering and fruit quality.
Its upright form gives it a tall and slender silhouette. Its oval leaves, finely toothed on the edge, have a petiole as long as the leaf blade and measure about 8 to 9 cm. They turn yellow before falling in autumn.
Its late white flowering in April shields it from frosts. Its flowers consist of 5 white petals and are highly attractive to bees.

Pears are consumed fresh, in syrup, in pastries, jams, and compotes, used for making spirits, ...

A fruit tree trained in a goblet shape has no central leader (vertical main stem), but branches radiating from its trunk. This particular shape allows good penetration of sunlight and air into the canopy, promoting fruit development and ripening while limiting disease development.


Altura en la madurez 5.50 m
Crecimiento normal


Color de las frutas amarillo
Diámetro del fruto 7 cm
Sabor dulce
Utilización fresco, Mermelada, compota, Repostería, Cocina, Alcohol
Periodo de cosecha Septiembre y sobre Noviembre


Color de la flor blanco
Periodo de floración Abril
Inflorescencia Solitaria
Plantas melíferas Atrae a los polinizadores


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde medio







Doyenné du Comice, Conférence





Otras Peral

  1. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  2. 8
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 4 tamaños

  3. 22
    59,00 € Maceta 6L/7L

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  4. Disponible para pedido
    45,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  5. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  6. 20
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 4 tamaños

  7. Disponible para pedido
    55,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  8. 24
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 5 tamaños

  9. 1
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  10. 7
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  11. 3
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  12. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  13. 2
    Desde 189,00 € Maceta 20L/25L

  14. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  15. 6
    Desde 65,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

Plantación y cuidados

Plant the Pear tree in a sunny location, in acidic or neutral soil, or even very slightly calcareous, moist but not waterlogged. Ensure proper drainage in the planting hole with a layer of gravel. Dig a hole two to three weeks before planting. On the day of planting, place the tree in a basin of water to moisten the entire root ball. Add compost to the bottom of the hole. Position the tree in the hole, fill with soil mixed with compost. Do not bury the graft union. Firmly tamp down around the base. The root ball should be completely covered. Water generously.

You can add a small handful of wood ash, rich in potash, during winter, to improve fruiting.

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Febrero, Octubre y sobre Diciembre

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera
Tipo de utilización Aislado, Huerta frutal
Rusticidad Hasta -29°C (zona USDA 5) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Exposición Sol
pH del suelo Neutro
Tipo de suelo arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero), Arcilloso (pesado), profundo, rico


Consejos de poda The pruning can be limited to a quick thinning. Before the vegetation resumes, remove the dead wood, the intertwining branches, and the water shoots. In June, when the pears are preformed, thin out the clusters keeping only one fruit, so your pears will reach a superior size at maturity.
Poda Poda recomendada 1 vez al año
Periodo de poda Enero, Diciembre
Humedad del suelo Húmedo
Resistencia a las enfermedades Buena
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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