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Delbard Table Apple Pollinator Duo with Extended Harvest

Malus domestica Delbarestivale® 'Monidel', Delbard Jubilé® 'Delgollune'

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Colección de 2 plantas

  • 1 x Manzano Delbard Jubilé
  • 1 x Manzano Delbarestivale

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Duo pollinator of Delbard table apples bringing together the Delbarestivale and Delbard Jubile varieties, both producing excellent eating apples. Planted in the same garden, these two apple trees cross-pollinate, ensuring a good fruit production. The harvest, abundant and spread over time, starts in August and ends in October. Fruit plants sold in 'ready-to-plant' pots.
Hasta -20.5°C
Tipo de suelo
arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero), Arcillo-calizo (pesado y alcalino), Arcilloso (pesado)
Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Febrero, Octubre y sobre Diciembre
Periodo de floración Abril
Periodo de cosecha Agosto y sobre Octubre

Composición de esta colección (2 plantas)


This Delbard Table Apple Pollinator Duo with Spread Harvest brings together the varieties Delbarestivale and Delbard Jubilée, selected for their tasty apples and staggered productions. Planted in the same garden, these two apple trees pollinate each other, ensuring a good fruit production. The abundant and spread-out harvest starts in August and ends in October.

This duo consists of:

- x1 Delbarestivale® Monidel Apple Tree: a very early variety with apples reaching maturity by the end of August and harvested until September. Yellow with red stripes, these medium-sized apples have firm, crunchy flesh with a balanced, refreshing flavour, exuding a scent of fennel mixed with anise. They are best eaten fresh after harvest and store well. This variety is quite resistant to diseases (including Scab) and adapts well throughout France. This apple tree is not self-fertile, so it should be planted near varieties that bloom at the same time, at the end of April, like 'Delbard Jubilée' to ensure pollination.

- x1 Delbard Jubilée® Delgollune Apple Tree: a productive variety with fruit coloured in red and gold, offering fine, crunchy, juicy, and sweet flesh. Fragrant, it gives off a scent of honey, hazelnut, and banana highly appreciated by gourmets! The fruits are harvested in October and can be consumed immediately, lasting until February. These are very good table apples, suitable for cooking as well. They grow on a vigorous, rustic tree that is less susceptible to diseases. To obtain large-sized fruits, it is recommended to thin the fruits at the beginning of summer. The Delbard Jubilée apple tree sometimes shows a tendency for biennial bearing: consider also carrying out a fruiting pruning. This apple tree is not self-fertile and will be pollinated by Delbarestivale.

The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a fruit tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. It is cultivated almost everywhere in the world and includes a multitude of varieties, ancient or modern, producing apples of various sizes and flavours, more or less sweet or tart. Apple trees are native to Europe, including France, where their presence has been documented since antiquity. Hardy, some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -30°C, making them suitable for cultivation throughout France.

The domestic apple tree usually does not exceed ten meters in height and width, but this can vary depending on the vigour of the rootstock used. This fruit tree typically has a tall trunk that naturally spreads out. It comes in different forms (bowl-shaped, half-standard, standard...) and can be trained in various ways (column, cordon, espalier...)

The apple tree can be grown in all climates, but particularly thrives in temperate regions, preferably humid ones, such as Normandy. It enjoys sunlight in reasonably moist and rich soil. Traditionally grown in orchards, it can also be cultivated as a standalone tree or even in a hedge. It is an easy fruit tree that requires at least some thinning pruning. Proper fruiting pruning will prevent the biennial bearing phenomenon. An annual or biennial addition of well-decomposed compost also enhances apple tree productivity.

These two fruit trees are delivered in a "ready-to-plant" root ball. During planting, the root ball should be planted as is. The biodegradable tontine surrounding the root ball, which preserves the small roots, will decompose naturally during the plant's growth. By following this method, you ensure better establishment.


Altura en la madurez 5 m
Anchura en la madurez 4 m
Crecimiento normal


Color de las frutas bicolor
Diámetro del fruto 7 cm
Sabor dulce
Utilización fresco, compota, Repostería
Periodo de cosecha Agosto y sobre Octubre


Color de la flor blanco
Periodo de floración Abril
Inflorescencia Solitaria
Plantas melíferas Atrae a los polinizadores


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde medio







Delbarestivale® 'Monidel', Delbard Jubilé® 'Delgollune'





Otras Manzano

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    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

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  4. 15
    Desde 49,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

    Disponible en 3 tamaños

  5. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  6. Disponible para pedido
    59,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  7. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  8. Disponible para pedido
    55,00 € Raíces desnudas

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  9. 16
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

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  10. 6
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  11. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  12. Disponible para pedido
    45,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  13. Disponible para pedido
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

  14. 4
    Desde 49,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  15. 4
    45,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

  16. 7
    34,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 4 tamaños

  17. 9
    49,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  18. 9
    Desde 189,00 € Maceta 12L/15L

Plantación y cuidados

For your Apple Tree, choose a sunny location, the soil can be slightly chalky or acidic but without excess. Dig a large planting hole at least 3 times the volume of the root ball. Simultaneously add organic matter (topsoil, compost...) and a base fertilizer such as crushed horn. Do not bury the graft union. Stake if necessary. Water generously, even in winter, even if it rains. Fruit trees are ideally planted between October and March, outside of the frost period. Container-grown plants can be planted all year round except during periods of extreme heat or frost.

In winter, you can add a small handful of wood ash, rich in potassium, to improve fruiting. Watch for possible aphid attacks during the season. White powdery mildew caused by a fungus, powdery mildew, may appear on the leaves in summer; this does not harm fruit development in gardens. Only keep harvested fruits. Store the apples stem-side down, on shelves or in crates. Choose a preferably completely dark, dry, and cool place but frost-free.

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Enero y sobre Febrero, Octubre y sobre Diciembre

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera
Tipo de utilización Aislado, Huerta frutal
Rusticidad Hasta -20.5°C (zona USDA 6b) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Densidad de plantación 1 por m2
Exposición Sol
pH del suelo Neutro, Todos
Tipo de suelo arcillo limonoso (rico y ligero), Arcillo-calizo (pesado y alcalino), Arcilloso (pesado), profundo, suelto, rico


Consejos de poda The pruning of your apple tree may be limited to simply thinning out dead or obstructive branches at the end of winter, in March. During the first 3 or 4 years, you can also encourage the formation of 4 or 5 main branches, resulting in an open-centred shape, traditional in fruit tree cultivation. In any case, ensure to leave some spaces within the tree's structure for good air circulation and light penetration. Don't hesitate to thin out fruit clusters well in June. Removing some fruits relieves fragile branches and helps achieve a better size.
Poda Poda recomendada 1 vez al año
Periodo de poda Febrero y sobre Marzo
Humedad del suelo Húmedo
Resistencia a las enfermedades Buena
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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Fruitiers Georges Delbard

  1. 6
    Desde 12,50 € Maceta 2L/3L

  2. Disponible para pedido
    Desde 12,50 € Maceta 2L/3L

  3. Disponible para pedido
    49,00 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  4. 3
    24,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 5 tamaños

  5. 16
    -20% 39,20 € 49,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

    Disponible en 6 tamaños

  6. 11
    Desde 12,50 € Maceta 2L/3L

  7. Disponible para pedido
    55,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  8. 20
    24,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 6 tamaños

  9. 8
    24,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 7 tamaños

  10. Disponible para pedido
    49,00 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

  11. 3
    29,50 € Cepellón "listo para plantar"

    Disponible en 3 tamaños

  12. 16
    Desde 12,50 € Maceta 2L/3L

  13. 3
    Desde 65,00 € Maceta 7,5L/10L

    Disponible en 2 tamaños

  14. Disponible para pedido
    24,50 € Raíces desnudas

    Disponible en 5 tamaños

  15. Disponible para pedido
    9,50 € Raíces desnudas

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  16. 9
    9,50 € Raíces desnudas

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