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Lirio Trocadero

Lilium Trocadero
Lirio, Lirio de trompeta, Azucena de trompeta

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A variety with a romantic look, with delicate light pink colour, that enjoys a bit of shade in the afternoon. The well-scented flowers are open, with wavy petals, and a chartreuse throat. It's a magnificent garden plant that will enhance year after year. A very well-drained soil (dry in winter) and free of limestone is essential.
Flor de
17 cm
Altura en la madurez
1.20 m
Anchura en la madurez
50 cm
Sol, Semisombra
Hasta -18°C
Humedad del suelo
suelo fresco

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Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Marzo y sobre Abril, Octubre y sobre Diciembre
Periodo de floración Julio y sobre Agosto


The Lily or Lilium 'Trocadero' is part of a lineage of hybrid lilies between orientals and trumpets. It borrows their fragrance from the former and the colour quality from the latter. This variety produces large, flared flowers in a romantic light pink hue. Highly fragrant, they bloom on a tall plant with dark green lanceolate foliage. This hybrid lily is a magnificent garden plant that beautifies year after year, in very well-drained soil and free of limestone.

The genus Lilium belongs to the Liliaceae family. 'Trocadero' is part of a horticultural category called Group O/T. It can easily reach 1 m, even 1.20 m in height, by 50 cm wide, when grown under optimal conditions and after 3 or 4 years of cultivation. Flowering begins, depending on the climate, in mid-July, extending until late August depending on the climate and planting time (allow 14 to 15 weeks of cultivation before blooming). The flowers measure 15 to 20 cm in diameter and are very pleasantly fragrant, especially in the evening. The flower consists of 6 long petals elegantly recurved at their tips and undulated on the edges. The flower's throat is chartreuse in colour. The throat is adorned with long green stamens with reddish-brown pollen and purple stigmas. The large leaves, 18 cm long and 3 cm wide, are dark green. Their leathery texture tends to deter lily beetles. The aerial vegetation of lilies disappears in winter and emerges from the ground in spring, quite late.

Lilies require a rich humus soil that is well-drained. Any soil retaining winter moisture is harmful to the bulb. In acidic soil, its colours are more intense. It can be beneficial to cover the base with a waterproof film or thick mulch in winter, this technique is effective if not very aesthetic. Exposure to partial shade, especially in the afternoon, helps to prolong the duration and preserve the brightness of the flowers. For a harmonious flowerbed, combine Lilium 'Trocadero' with lilies in other shades of pink or purple, Gladiolus or Daylilies. Incorporating grasses and perennial plants around the lily is beneficial for shading the ground and stabilising the stems against wind and rain. Grow it on the edge of a grove, surrounded by small shrubs such as rhododendrons or azaleas. This lily is also perfect for creating beautiful bouquets.


Altura en la madurez 1.20 m
Anchura en la madurez 50 cm
Crecimiento normal


Color de la flor rosa
Periodo de floración Julio y sobre Agosto
Inflorescencia Umbela
Flor de 17 cm
Fragancia Perfumado, jugoso, embriagador.
Flores para ramos Flores para ramos


Persistencia del follaje Caducifolio
Color del follaje verde oscuro








Otros nombres comunes

Lirio, Lirio de trompeta, Azucena de trompeta



Número de producto 22530

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Plantación y cuidados

The Lilium Trocadero is a plant that thrives in humus-rich soil, not appreciating limestone and poorly drained soils: its bulb dreads excess moisture in winter. You may want to place an impermeable film over the base in winter to protect it from excessive rainfall. Ideally, plant it in October or in spring, burying the bulbs 15 cm deep in a pocket of soil mixed with leaf compost. It will tend to elongate significantly if planted in too shady a spot. To maintain strong stems, choose an open area with a sunny but not scorching exposure. Surround the bulbs with a sand pocket to prevent rot and slug attacks, while allowing them to grow more easily. Mark the planting location, as growth only starts in March-April. Protect young shoots from frost in case of severe cold. If red insects appear, treat them promptly; they are red lily beetles whose larvae can devour all the leaves. The most effective method is to catch them by hand; be careful as they drop as soon as touched, so place a box underneath. Otherwise, treat regularly with permethrin. After flowering, it is useful to cut the faded flowers halfway to keep the bed beautiful during the summer. The bulbs of this lily multiply rapidly and can be divided every 3 or 4 years. If you prefer not to divide the clumps after four years, the dense cluster of bulbs will produce numerous, shorter stems with fewer flowers per stem; the plant will then resemble a dense shrub, which is very aesthetic. To achieve 2 m stems with 30 to 40 buds each, it is imperative to divide the bulbs.

Tip for planting lilies in compact soil: The scaly bulbs of large lilies fear clayey soils that suffocate them and cause rot. In Eastern Europe, the following technique is used to help these bulbs survive the winter. Plant them on 'benches' built above ground level. These benches consist of a first layer of gravel, on which tightly packed branches are placed. The whole is then covered with a thick layer of leaf compost, 20 to 30 cm deep. Plant the bulbs in the compost, where a few ground-covering plants can also be grown.

On the terrace, you can create sumptuous potées with lilies. Choose a container that is wide and deep enough (at least 16 cm in diameter for 1 bulb). Fill it with a mix of leaf compost and sand. Plant the lilies in groups of 3 to 5 bulbs, 10-15 cm apart, then water thoroughly. Place the pots in a cool room, or outdoors once the frost has passed. The ambient temperature should be around 12°C. When shoots appear, move the pot to a veranda or a very bright room, at a temperature of around 18°C. Apply liquid fertilizer twice a month until floral buds appear.

  1. 7,50 € Bolsa

¿Cuándo plantar?

Mejor periodo de plantación Octubre y sobre Noviembre
Periodo de plantación razonable Marzo y sobre Abril, Octubre y sobre Diciembre
Profundidad de plantación 15 cm

¿En qué lugar?

Adecuado para Pradera, Borde de sotobosque
Tipo de utilización Macizo
Rusticidad Hasta -18°C (zona USDA 7a) Ver mapa
Dificultad de cultivo Aficionado
Densidad de plantación 9 por m2
Exposición Sol, Semisombra
pH del suelo Tierra de Brezo (Ácido), Neutro
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco, Suelo bien drenado


Poda La poda no es necesaria
Humedad del suelo suelo fresco
Resistencia a las enfermedades Buena
Hibernación Puede permanecer en el suelo

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